Tuesday 2 June 2009

6 months on

It's been a while since I posted anything.  I kept thinking I might have good news soon - but it never quiet happened.

So I was promised there was a small chance of complications but short of that my vision would be 9/9 after the operation.  Definitely.   In three months.

Now it's 6 months and my vision is still around 5/9 - so I am not very happy about that.  It must be nice to work in a profession where you can tell people they will definitely get better vision, in half the time, and not give a refund!

Anyway on the other hand my eye *is* more comfortable then it was.  It's still not perfect and the stupid vision at times gives me minor headaches.  The vision still changes a bit by itself and more so when I try new glasses, something I have done a couple of times now.  I think the latest change only made things worse and I will have to change back. 

I don't know maybe my expectations were too high or maybe I am the odd case where the operation doesn't go so well - however I really would recommend treating the operation with a LOT of suspicion.  In retrospect I don't think I would have gone this way quiet so quick - though perhaps I would have in the end as I was running out of options.  Get your optometrist to show you how bad 5/9 vision is before you do anything - you may end up seeing like this!  I guess it depends on how bad your vision is how scary this will seem.

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